VCA Software

Meet Brian Carignan – VCA’s Operations Manager

Brian Carignan is the Operations Manager at VCA. Since joining the company in July 2022, he’s been working hard to improve client experiences. Below is an inside look at Brian’s role within the organization and how customers can benefit.

A Typical Workday

Brian’s ultimate goal is to improve outcomes for VCA Software customers. When customers request software enhancements, Brian assesses the feasibility, establishes priorities and interfaces with the development team.

“My average day consists of reviewing our clients’ needs and prioritizing these items so they are addressed in a proper timeframe,” he says.

Brian directly communicates with development team members on a daily basis to ensure they know what to prioritize. He also spends time with clients to gain a better understanding of who they are and how VCA can help them become more efficient and streamlined.

It’s a constant quest for improvement. “I am also working with all team members to better document all of our current and future processes,” he says, adding that he’s always “looking for ways to streamline workflows and provide efficiencies so we can accomplish more in a shorter period of time.”

The Satisfaction of Making an Impact

Brian has worked in the property and casualty insurance sector for more than 20 years. During this time, he’s managed teams in operations and human resources, worked as a vendor relationship manager, and built new teams from the ground up. He’s also developed workflows for a wide range of teams – from customer service to claims processing and catastrophic event management.

Many of the companies where Brian has worked have several hundred or even thousands of employees. “I chose to work at VCA because of its people and culture,” he says. He missed the closeness that can be diluted with a larger team. Plus, he enjoys seeing the difference he makes to his team and his clients when he’s part of a smaller group.

Succeeding as a Team

Brian joined VCA Software because he was attracted to the company and culture – and he hasn’t been disappointed. In his time at VCA, he’s noticed that people reach out to help each other in a way that he hasn’t seen everywhere. “We all realize that we will succeed or fail as a team,” he explains, “and everyone here is determined to succeed.”

Coworkers also help each other in small ways that make work more enjoyable and help everyone feel like a valued part of a team. To illustrate this, Brian explains how he developed a fondness for a Canadian coffee chain while working at the Toronto office. Unfortunately, the coffee isn’t available in the States. “My boss knows how much I enjoy it and sent me a supply as a thank you for something I helped her with over the holidays so I could enjoy it.” Sometimes, it’s the little things that make the biggest impact.

Building Stronger Relationships

Brian is dedicated to building stronger relationships with VCA’s clients. “I want clients to understand that they can reach out to me anytime for help with custom business rules or workflows,” he says. He clarifies that the help desk is still the best option for day-to-day support.

Going to the PRLB Conference?

Be sure to visit VCA at Booth #1307. Say hello to our team and get acquainted with Brian.